Lukas Snr medal 5000 6 years 287 days ago
Hi can someone explain me how this building lvl is affecting the game? To my understanding my driver's and staff shd get higher morale but how is that applied to them? I just got 2 yng drivers wth low Morales. My minimum morale shd be 12. They gonna slowly gain it without me training their mental abilities?
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 6 years 287 days ago
At the moment this facility seems to do little or nothing.
Driver morale can be trained.
Staff morale cannot be trained and a high level hospitality facility will increase the morale of a staff member but here's the rub... from experience (I have a L20 hospitality building) this increase in morale has no effect on the all important star rating.
Maybe the developers will do something to address this in future game updates but at the moment my advice would be don't waste your money or tokens.
Lukas Snr medal 5000 6 years 287 days ago
So it does not affect the drivers morale at all?
Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 287 days ago
1- "Raise staff morale", so if you buy a level 1 morale staff and have a level 20 Offices & Hospitality, this member will become level 20 morale (as staff levels don't matter, this won't do nothing)
2- Positive influence on pit stops: higher Offices & hospitality leads to faster pit stops. (testing is needed to confirm)