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Driver Experience Progress

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medal 5041
6 years 274 days ago
How many races does it take for driver experience to click over by one point? I've seen everywhere from 8 races to 20 races. What's the official answer?

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medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 273 days ago
It's true, 0.1 point per race
medal 5000
6 years 274 days ago
This is not an official answer but from what I notice with new drivers that come out of the YA it averages to one point every 10 races. I have one now who is on 68 races and has 10 Experience points and an ex driver of mine is on 16 experience points after 130 races which is still the same ratio. 
So I know with a YA the after the first 7 races it goes up a point then it looks like it is every 10 races after that.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 273 days ago
It's true, 0.1 point per race
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