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Cant access my account on IGP

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medal 5000
6 years 274 days ago
Please help!!!
I cant access my account which was linked with FB before.
My Account Sak Racing Team was opened using my FB ID. Later i opened new account using my Google ID with Team name Arfath Tiger. Things were working well managing both my teams with 2 sperate accounts.
But today im facing unsual problem i cant access my previous account which was opened using FB. Everytime i try to login using FB on igp app, my Second account is openning. 

Please help i dont want to be absent in my league.
I have worked very hard in that league to be competitive .
medal 5909
6 years 274 days ago
Sak please send an email to with following details: manager name, team name, league name and name of your drivers. Explaining the issue with your two accounts. 
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