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Engine supplier --> Wrong DP

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medal 5000
6 years 271 days ago
Problem occured on Windows 10 laptop using Chrome browser.

League: German-RaceWars

Old season ended, new one just started.

Fuel consumption is the strength of my CD so it started with 20 DP, acceleration started with 10 DP.

I then changed engine supplier (Acceleration +6, fuel consumption -6). As far as I understood, the new values should be Fuel Consumption 14 and acceleration 16.
Actually the new values are Fuel Consumption 4 and acceleration 24 instead.

How is this possible?
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 271 days ago (edited 6 years 271 days ago)
I'm afraid the reason might be a miscalculation of the engine supplier bonus on your side because I can't find a change that would result in +6 Acc and -6 Fuel Econ, but there is a change however, from Wonder to Murk, that would result in the change of the stats you described (20 FE -10 because no more bonus from wonder, -6 from Murk malus = 4 FE, 10 Acc +4 from removed malus Wonder and +10 bonus Murk = 24 Acc).

On a side note, just in case this isn't known, your current CD just did 2 races for you. If he's the one you're mentioning, he got FE as strength, then he had about no influence on your new car. A CD 'works' every race of a season on the new car for the next and thus a car is the result of all the CDs that were active during the last season, each doing 1/17th of the car development per race.
medal 5000
6 years 270 days ago
Thank you so much for your answer and clarifying things! Makes perfect sense what you write and I think I got it :-)
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