Leo Yeo medal 5000 6 years 299 days ago (edited 6 years 299 days ago)
Think about it, currently if you select a time for the races you want to see there is a chance that instead of getting races that start at that time, other leagues with more cars in their tiers are suggested. So if this is the case how do you expect new leagues run by potentially more active hosts to grow? IGP's league search rewards leagues with more cars, instead of giving the player the actual thing that they are specifically looking for. Currently if I look for an English speaking 2 car league that runs everyday at 11:00pm, none, I repeat NONE, of the leagues suggested run at 23:00. I understand that racing against more active teams is more fun but considering this is a game that also rewards live racing, why would you force people to race at a time that doesn't suit them; why force them to become a bot in the race to annoy the other active players? Just show the player what they are searching for, instead of acting as if you already knew, because you don't. Otherwise what even is the point of having the filter there in the first place?

Dan Tyler medal 5000 6 years 298 days ago
Its been thus way as long as i can remember.
Its a basic thing and it should work but it does not.