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Opinion for Medium tires


21.52% (17)
78.48% (62)
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medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
What's your opinion for M tires? Most opinions are negative.
My opinion is somewhere in the middle. 
I think i prefer H. 
Whats your opinion? 

medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago
This does not belong in the suggestion forum, Moved to general discussion forum
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 286 days ago
From the two options I chose bad, but that word is not entirely justified. The medium is not exactly bad but just almost never good enough. Not soft enough for the kind of track those work better and not that much faster than hard to justify the higher wear and the worse ability in running cool and thus taking push levels. It's more kind of sitting in between the chairs.
medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago
Useless tire, lasts less and is slower than hard.
medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago

From the two options I chose bad, but that word is not entirely justified. The medium is not exactly bad but just almost never good enough. Not soft enough for the kind of track those work better and not that much faster than hard to justify the higher wear and the worse ability in running cool and thus taking push levels. It's more kind of sitting in between the chairs.

Useless tire, lasts less and is slower than hard.

Thank you for your participation. 

Yes, I have found H to be the fastest overall and have a longer life and we can push more.
I think maybe M is currently useless for now. 

medal 5000
6 years 284 days ago
Might have to try them then. Mediums routinely win races in our league. Full length races. I noticed today that someone with Hards was almost as fast as Mediums, but with a very heavy fuel load.
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago
Found it useable in rookie and pro tier.  Became useless when I got to elite.  As previously stated, not enough speed advantage over hard tires to make up for increased tire wear.
medal 5000
6 years 267 days ago
I’m with the first reply, they’re not entirely bad and I have certain races where I’ve finished my highest place out of each time I’ve raced the track due to mediums. But this is very rare, I tend to avoid the mediums although I’d love to try them more. I’d love for them to work more tbh, hards seem to beat them 97/98% of the time. Just feels a pointless compound at times as I don’t dare use them unless I’m experimenting or out of the championship race. There has to be some advantage for mediums against hards it doesn’t make sense half the time 
medal 5000
6 years 267 days ago
Nothing wrong with Medium tyres. My opinion the problem is the Hard Tyres are too fast.

But then if you look at it the other way around. Maybe Hard tyres are fine, Medium tyres are too slow. Soft & Supersoft tyres are too fast with not enough life. 
medal 5000
6 years 267 days ago
Yeah it’s hard to say isn’t it. Something one side or the other side either needs nerfing or improving to make them have more of a use so people don’t always go for softs or hards. 
Do beta testers mention things like this at all? Or are they strictly for bugs and problems to improve that way? 
medal 5000
6 years 267 days ago
Beta testing I think covers everything and anything. But then groups of people might be set tasks to look at just one area.
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 266 days ago

Yeah it’s hard to say isn’t it. Something one side or the other side either needs nerfing or improving to make them have more of a use so people don’t always go for softs or hards. 
Do beta testers mention things like this at all? Or are they strictly for bugs and problems to improve that way? 

Things are sometimes just harder to balance than it looks. Mediums were better some years ago and, according to manager that were playing back then, just overpowered. The following nerf lead to the current situation. 

The problem might be that Hards often hold longer than fuel weight would allow and Softs often wear too fast so that you run them longer than you wish for. Because Mediums wear just in between those it easily could be that if they would be in balance with those other two compounds in terms of speed vs wear their wear would pretty much hit just that sweet spot of ideal stint length due to fuel weight vs pit stop time on a lot of tracks. That would make them to a sure bet choice almost everywhere except on super soft ground. A performance slightly below that and you got our current situation, often not that bad but nowhere truly good.
medal 5000
6 years 266 days ago
Its only faster than hard for first couple of laps and then the hard catching up and last longer 
medal 5714
6 years 265 days ago
I think that the M tyres are kinda useless, but if the tyres get a recalibration (& we add a 5th slick tyre), I'm sure that the M could be competitive in a close future
medal 5000
6 years 265 days ago
I think they fixed the medium tyre
medal 5000
6 years 265 days ago (edited 6 years 265 days ago)
There are 3 dry tyre in the game.

Not 4

If there was 4 the Hard Tyre would be 1:40.545
medal 5000
6 years 265 days ago
I am a bit torn, wouldn't say they are good but also wouldn't say that they are bad. They work at certain tracks.

Had a good result in Monza last season on a medium only stint with everyone else around me on hards, also last nights race In Malaysia was a good result on Mediums although I changed to hards for the last stint as I didn't have to work the push levels to stay ahead of my battle for 9th(11 seconds between 9th and 16th)(call from work took my attention elsewhere) I only decided on the mediums in both races as they were .500 sec quicker than the hards and only 1% difference in wear which is nothing.

Both of the above were on my secondary account which I don't use when posting on the forum. I am quite far down the pecking order in that Elite League.
medal 5000
6 years 265 days ago (edited 6 years 265 days ago)
I am a bit torn, wouldn't say they are good but also wouldn't say that they are bad. They work at certain tracks.

Had a good result in Monza last season on a medium only stint with everyone else around me on hards, also last nights race In Malaysia was a good result on Mediums although I changed to hards for the last stint as I didn't have to work the push levels to stay ahead of my battle for 9th(11 seconds between 9th and 16th)(call from work took my attention elsewhere) I only decided on the mediums in both races as they were .500 sec quicker than the hards and only 1% difference in wear which is nothing.

Both of the above were on my secondary account which I don't use when posting on the forum. I am quite far down the pecking order in that Elite League.

Problem is the only circuit I have found M tyre 0.5 faster than H tyre is China. But even then gap is closed instantly with the H tyre being one push level higher, if they where the same push level as H then you might get away with them doing a shorter stint.

There is something wrong somewhere when Hard tyre is faster than Medium tyre in Monaco & the track was setup to favour  softer compounds.
medal 5000
6 years 265 days ago
I guess it depends where you are. They are terrible at Abu Dhabi, in my latest race the guys on Hards were quicker because they could maintain the temperature, the mediums just melted but usually the hards are useless.
medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 264 days ago
Hards useless? In 50% races, most of the time they're the best tyre. Rarely does a strategy not involve at least one stint on hard compound, often the optimum strategy is 2 stints on hards. They're possibly the most used tyre in competitive 50% elite leagues.
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