Dariusz Baran medal 5000 6 years 263 days ago
Kolega Bartek Sondej liga koralox zapomniał hasła pomóż mu je zresetować bo nie może grac
Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 263 days ago
Hi Dariusz
For better and quicker help please translate your post into English please.
Dariusz Baran medal 5000 6 years 263 days ago
Hi, friend of Bartek Sondej bike from the Koralox league has forgotten the password to his account and can not help him
M S medal 5909 6 years 263 days ago
Ok from what I understand Bartek who is your friend has forgotten password to his account and can't access his account. If that's correct then Bartek needs to send an email to support@igpgames.com with following details: manager name, team name, league name and name of his drivers.