I have a general question about how the design percentages work when you:
a) go into a new season of the same league
b) go into a new season in a different league
c) do anything else that might decrease the figures
From what I have seen the percentages stay the same for (a) when you stay in the same league. I went to a different league after my last season ended (as there was hardly anyone there left to race with) and I lost a bunch of percentages on my designed components (b). I take it this is done to deter people from swapping leagues all the time. Is there anything else that decreases your design percentages? (c)
Also, what happens when (or if) you reach 100% of a component. Will it just stay there for the rest of the game (unless you go to a different league)? Or does it decrease at some other point?
And what happens at the end of the season if you are in the "green" section of an Elite competition. From what I understand you can't be promoted above Elite? or can you?
Mr T