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How its possible?

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medal 5000
6 years 262 days ago

How is it possible that running on the spa circuit at 13 degrees the hard tyres go faster than the soft tyres?

I don't quite understand this happening.
medal 5909
6 years 262 days ago
The way the game works for the time being but it won't be for long! Tyre calibration is being worked on But until then this is how it is! Also keep in mind Harder the tyre more durable it is and longer you can push on it with higher push levels. But I know where you are coming from! 
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 262 days ago
Are you sure that hards were actually faster? In that race all the top teams seems to apply a hard strategy but you on the last few laps and those of you look faster than the ones of the winning team that didn't profit from DRS, and it seems you got no DRS either. Plus the winner finished the race about 26 seconds slower (or equivalent of 16th place) than the winner of our last Spa race who used a soft only strategy and that race also was at 13 degrees C.
medal 5000
6 years 261 days ago

The way the game works for the time being but it won't be for long! Tyre calibration is being worked on But until then this is how it is! Also keep in mind Harder the tyre more durable it is and longer you can push on it with higher push levels. But I know where you are coming from! 

Is the level of thrust that is controlled in the race the same as the offside level that can be modified from the strategy menu?

On the other hand, even if you put a high thrust hard on the tyres, they heat up and lose performance.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 261 days ago
Yes, the push level is the same. The only difference is that a manager who's attending a race can adjust it to get the best out of it.

It depends on track and conditions, but in most cases hards will indeed overheat on highest push and often enough on high. But it takes a longer time with hards and you can usually use continously one notch higher push overall compared to softs.
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