John Doe medal 5000 6 years 252 days ago (edited 6 years 245 days ago)
hello I'm the organizer of an alloy with two cars I wondered if it was possible to abbsare the number of cars to that you can not do otherwise, meta tam would be expelled but I do not see technical problems in reducing the number of cars. I wanted to do a survey for this, I ask you first if you can do it. Thanks
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 6 years 245 days ago
Hi, this isn't possible, leagues can't be changed to run one-car and vice versa.
Rik Sinnige medal 5000 6 years 245 days ago
Please use a more accurate title for the topic, so it will be easier for other users to find it. For being the first time I'll take care of changing it myself so you can take it as an example. To edit a topic click on the pencil in the lower right corner.