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I want my car reset

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medal 5000
6 years 251 days ago (edited 6 years 251 days ago)
Hi, my car has 50 points on all the statistics at the beginning of the season, can someone reset it? thanks
medal 5000
6 years 251 days ago
What do you mean, what's wrong with it?
If you start a new season your car will be 43 in most areas, only your strength will be fifthy and your weakness somewhere in the 20’s. Because of you probably beginning your second season in a league your car will start in 50 in everything, but on the big four (Handling, Acc, Bra, Down) your advantage will be gone in a few races. I don't see why you want to have your car reset.

Please use a more accurate title for the topic, so it will be easier for other users to find it. For being the first time I'll take care of changing it myself so you can take it as an example. To edit a topic click on the pencil in the lower right corner.

medal 5000
6 years 251 days ago
That advantage (second season design bug) is not accepted in my league, so if possible i want reset my car to normal conditions before new season starts, thanks :)
medal 5000
6 years 250 days ago
How are you a mod Rik?
medal 5000
6 years 250 days ago

How are you a mod Rik?

I applicated for it and got taken for it, if you want to critiscise my work, please do that privately in the pm's. I know my work hasn't been extremely good, and I have made some (big) errors, but I don't believe this is the place to talk about it, I'm happy to take some advice from you (you are doing a great job yourself at helping people), I'm happy to learn something from you.
medal 5088
6 years 249 days ago
Hi, resetting a car isn't possible, it will return to normal progress in the next season as long you stay in your league without changing or leaving it.

This unusual design occurs when a player switches leagues without completing a season all the way, and the next season design continues to be developed because of this.
medal 5000
6 years 249 days ago
It continues to be developed but the the weakness is canceled .. 
I have big problems in my league for this reason. what does it mean? Is it a rule or a bug? can not you solve?
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