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I need a level 18 CD bad.

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medal 5000
6 years 248 days ago
I need a level 18 CD, Strength any of Acc/Break/Hand/Down 

Weakness in cool/relia/tyre&fuel eco. If anyone’s selling please let me know. 

was trying to shortlist level 17 CDs when I was a 16 managed. Went up to 17 manager and had to use a level 16 CD all the way. Now I’m a level 18 manager. With no filter function to find all level 18 staff etc it’s hard relying on just transfer market in game. If anyone’s no use for their 18 CD or getting rid I’ll buy them thanks 
medal 5000
6 years 230 days ago
A filter for finding staff would be useful. You can spend 10-20 mins going through all the staff and drivers to try to find someone decent to find out there aren’t any!
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