Yeah all the above information you just gave me helped 0/5. I'm well aware of what's written on the website under these 'Guides' but I am asking from player's experience.
This is gonna take a while
To be honest though the whole crux of your point is that you are low level and therefore assume that development time will take the time it does just now, which is not true [as you get higher level & better trained designers % will increase, and when you get facilitys at level 8 the amount of designers will decrease]
e.g. this season i started with approx 35% car & by the last race this season i had 100% this season and my lowest part for next season is 62%
to your 2nd post, no you gain exactly the same % , although the size of the season break will affect this as well [i.e. i have a 1 day break in my league so i can get 1 upgrade before the season even starts... if you have e.g. a 3 day break you will get 2 updates before the 1st race]
At present racing everyday with 60 designers i can get new parts every 2 days [4 on 1 day and 3 on the next, even when at 100%]
Pretty sure someone who doesnt race everyday will post there details below, but since upgrades are scaled based on how often you race you are at no way disadvantaged by racing everyday [infact you have the clear advantage of levelling quicker/training drivers/staff more often
Also your % dont work out for what you posted But statement A is corrent [you gain the same % regardless of whether it takes you 2days or 2weeks per part + you can choose whether to develop this/next season and there is also cloning parts to incease "this seasons" car
Last season for me: Started at ~35% ended up with 100% this season and say roughly 60% for the start of the season [i'm not gonna post my actual car % as it gives every1 in my league an advantage
This season: Starting with 60% depending on how i choose to develop i'll could end season with 90% or i could end up with 30% that choice is entirely mine [depending on how i choose to develop this seasons car i.e. do i want to head for 100% as soon as possible, or just compete with the same % car i started the year with]
Obviously it makes more sense to me to develop a car to start/end the season at similar %'s which is entirely possible [meaning i'm constantly competitive, won 2seasons ago, came 2nd last season, and "should" easily make top 2 again this season if not win [This is in the top overall reputation league in the game]
If e.g. i started last season with a 90% car, i still would have came 2nd [possibly 1st] but this season coming with my 25% car i would struggle for any kind of result [where as i will be up there competing for podiums, while still developing a good enough car to compete the season after]
Obviously my %'s / number of designers will vary as i am a higher level [right now i need 10 designers per part [for 2day updates] If you only race once a week, your % increase will stay the same although u will need "roughly" 7x less staff per part [cant give you an exact number as it depends on lots of variables] At what rate do you develop parts currently? or for comparison keep putting designers onto 1 part until the date comes down to [2days since the last update]