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Moderators: What can they do?

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medal 5088
6 years 262 days ago (edited 6 years 231 days ago)
Hi all, this post has been created to clear up any confusion about the role of moderators and what they can do.

Are moderators part of the iGP staff?

No, moderators are not part of the iGP staff. They are gracious volunteers dedicating their time to being a moderator. A moderator will have a post with a pastel blue colored background. iGP staff will always have a post with a pastel green colored background.

What is the job of the moderators?

Moderators help mediate in-game comments and forum posts. They have the ability to edit or delete comments in-game or posts on the forum. Additionally, they can change thread labels and lock, delete, merge, and pin threads on the forum.

In the future, moderators will have more abilities, such as issuing suspensions or permanent bans, as well as reviewing appeals to possibly reverse such actions.

Can moderators fix the issues I'm having with the game?

No, they cannot. Moderators do not have the ability to resolve issues or bugs within the game itself. Only the iGP staff can fix issues players experience with the game.

The moderators told me the developers were investigating/going to fix a problem! Why hasn't it been fixed yet?

Moderators are able to notify iGP staff of problems and can inform players that they have notified somebody from the iGP staff. This does not mean iGP staff are immediately investigating or fixing the problem.

If anybody has any questions about moderators, please post below.
medal 5000
6 years 262 days ago
You mods are doing great having to sift through posts from so many players (especially all our criticism and complaints!), so many thanks for your contribution to this game's lively community. 
medal 5677 Community Manager
6 years 261 days ago

You mods are doing great having to sift through posts from so many players (especially all our criticism and complaints!), so many thanks for your contribution to this game's lively community. 

Many thanks to you for this comment, I will pass on the congratulations to my team, I am sure they will love it. We will continue to work to ensure that everything continues to be as good or better.

medal 5000
6 years 255 days ago (edited 6 years 255 days ago)
Boa tarde

Tenho duas contas, uma pelo facebook e outra pelo email(gmail).......a conta do facebook não esta acessando,.......quando tento entrar pelo facebook, sou redirecionado para a conta do gmail, o que fazer para conseguir acessar a conta do facebook 

I have two accounts, one for facebook and another for email (gmail) ....... the facebook account is not accessing, ....... when I try to enter through facebook, I am redirected to the gmail account, what to do to get access to facebook account
medal 5000
6 years 254 days ago
Please start a new thread in help and support for your problem. The announcement forum is not the place.
Thank you
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