Paul Nowak medal 5000 12 years 302 days ago (edited 12 years 302 days ago)
I signed a contract with a different engine supplier. This didn't affect the conditions of my engines on the assembly screen, so I'd assume these are still the ones made by my former supplier; however, there is no specific information about the engines (I can only refit from model E to model E).
So, my question is: Do I have to refit engines (which would be the logical thing to do in my opinion) or have my currently installed engines automatically transformed into new ones while still remaining in the same condition?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 302 days ago
Ah - good question.
I do remember somebody else asking that a while back but I cannot remember the answer and I think things have changed anyway.
I await an answer from the mods or devs.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 302 days ago
I would think that the engines have changed, but you still have the same amount of engines left. Because it's not the fact that the engine supplier can't supply more than that, it's the fact that it's a rule that you can't use more than 20 engines in a set period.
So, to summarise, I reckon the two engine suppliers trade :P lol

Paul Nowak medal 5000 12 years 302 days ago
I decided not to refit engines and both cars did quite well compared to the previous race - so I guess the old engines have indeed turned into new ones.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 301 days ago
From the logs I can see that the engine was set to murk before the race.
So the answer is yes. It changes the engine by getting a new contract.
That will also happen to the fuel and tyre supplier.