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Bought engines

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medal 5000
6 years 243 days ago
I was of the understanding (dangerous words) that engines left over would be be added onto the new engines when you got restocked 
I bought some new engines and they have been taken away once I got restocked
medal 5909
6 years 243 days ago
 Hi Andrew the engine replacement is 20 max if you have 0 left if not only top up to 20 with how many you do have left if it means you purchased some with token or not doesn't matter when engine top up date comes you will only get top up to 20! This is to keep it fair to all players. 
medal 5000
6 years 243 days ago
ok I know for the future that's what I like about this game always learning 
just a quick question if I purchase new engines will it add on to the 20 I already got 
medal 5000
6 years 243 days ago
Yes, but if you have still have more than 20 by the restock you won't get any engines
medal 5000
6 years 243 days ago
ok that's good to know thank you
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