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Start bug? General problems

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medal 5021
6 years 240 days ago (edited 6 years 240 days ago)
Can someone please explain why my best driver everything rated 20 bar exp 9. Pretty much most races at the start drops 10 odd places.. i was thinking it was due to exp but its not as my 2nd driver has 5 exp and doesn't suffer the same. Plus similar drivers in the league ain't having this trouble.

I've put him on lowest push still makes no difference.

Plus does engine wear rating have an massive effect during race? Like going from 2nd 5tenths of the winner one race to 6th 13 secs off the the leader the next effect!!?.

I also seem to develop my car so slow during the season compared to everyone else. Even with the highest hq in the league 5tar cd and tech.. 
I had a quick look at forums using the spying on car spread over  2 stats or 4 stats formula doesnt really seem to make a difference.

i just really dont understand where im going wrong. Played this game for a while and feel like im getting nowhere. Any help/advice welcome as im at a loss..

Lol mini rant over.


Lvl 18 btw.

Best Solution -- Selected by Rik Sinnige

medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 239 days ago
For the start you generally want the highest push level, although driver mistakes can still cost you places and it seems they are more likely with high push level but that might be just my imagination. Also keep an eye on tyre temperature, sometimes a duel can go on for quite a while until the cars 'settle down' into their places but unless it's hard a fried tyre often costs more than a lost, or less gained, place at the start.

Engine wear has quite an effect on pace. Depending how worn it easily can be several thenth of a second every lap.

Spying is easy if you keep in mind that it's a percentage of the difference between you car and the best in that area and if the resulting value is not a round number the result is always rounded up. So it depends if spying on one or spreading out gives better results.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 239 days ago
For the start you generally want the highest push level, although driver mistakes can still cost you places and it seems they are more likely with high push level but that might be just my imagination. Also keep an eye on tyre temperature, sometimes a duel can go on for quite a while until the cars 'settle down' into their places but unless it's hard a fried tyre often costs more than a lost, or less gained, place at the start.

Engine wear has quite an effect on pace. Depending how worn it easily can be several thenth of a second every lap.

Spying is easy if you keep in mind that it's a percentage of the difference between you car and the best in that area and if the resulting value is not a round number the result is always rounded up. So it depends if spying on one or spreading out gives better results.
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