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Talent Staff

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medal 5000
6 years 240 days ago
I was wondering what the talent was for the staff (td, cd)

Best Solution -- Selected by Rik Sinnige

medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago
Talent I find makes a difference once you are level 20.

20, 19 & 18 Talent CD at 5 stars doesn't give the same number of starting design points.
5 Star DR with 19 Talent uses more health than a 5 star 20 Talent one.
Have not looked into TD as I can't get my grubby little hands on a 20 Talent one, to see if they give 1 extra point or anything like that in research.
medal 5000
6 years 239 days ago
Talent is just one of the three stats which makes their level and star rating, nothing special.
medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago
Talent I find makes a difference once you are level 20.

20, 19 & 18 Talent CD at 5 stars doesn't give the same number of starting design points.
5 Star DR with 19 Talent uses more health than a 5 star 20 Talent one.
Have not looked into TD as I can't get my grubby little hands on a 20 Talent one, to see if they give 1 extra point or anything like that in research.
medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago
Ok thank you for your answer
medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago

Talent I find makes a difference once you are level 20.

20, 19 & 18 Talent CD at 5 stars doesn't give the same number of starting design points.
5 Star DR with 19 Talent uses more health than a 5 star 20 Talent one.
Have not looked into TD as I can't get my grubby little hands on a 20 Talent one, to see if they give 1 extra point or anything like that in research.

I'm not near level 20, so I didn't know. Thanks for helping James.

medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 238 days ago
For CD as far as I can tell there is no direct correlation between the three attributes (Talent, Experience & Morale), the star rating and the number of dp they generate towards next season design. 
I am a L20 account and have been testing 5 CDs (that's why there are no decent ones on the market LOL).
All five are Talent 19, Experience 20 and Morale 20.

#1 - L19: 5 Star: +Acc: -Cool
#2 - L20: 5 Star: +Fuel Econ: -Reliability
#3 - L19: 5 Star: +Hand: -Fuel Econ
#4 - L19: 4.5 Star: +Brake: -Cool
#5 - L19: 4.5 Star: +Handling: -Cool
I've tested them extensively and my findings are the two 4.5 Star CDs generate one or two fewer dp over the course of a season than the 5 star staff even though all of their other attributes appear to be the same.
So in a nutshell my advice would be to ignore Level and Talent and focus on star rating, weakness and strength ( probably in that order).
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