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Need an opinion on CD !!!

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medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago
I'm a LVL 17 running in Elite,
  I have a LVL 16 CD 4.5 stars
w/ 18-20-18 in stats,
Strength is Acceleration, 
Weakness is Downforce,
2nd CD is a LVL 17 w/ 4.5 stars
w/ 18-20-18 in stats,
Strength is Downforce, 
Weakness is Braking, 
      In your opinion which would you keep ?
medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago
The first one, but you can use both if you want, just change them mid season and you will have 50 acc, idk how many downforce, and only 33 braking. With the first one you will have 22 downforce and 50 accelartion, with the second one 50 downforce, 22 braking.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 237 days ago (edited 6 years 237 days ago)
None of them if I can. ;-) If I have to choose between them I'd take 2nd because of the higher level, even though the first might be a tiny bit 'better' in terms of strength/weakness.

Keeping both would be a good choice, with the 2nd having the strength of the firsts weakness you'll have 2 good starting attributes (Acc. and Downforce) and only have to worry about Braking, but making the first active early next season you can spy that without penalty.
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