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No pit stop

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medal 5000
6 years 236 days ago
Hi guys...... Do you think you can win with no pit stops?
medal 5000
6 years 236 days ago
No not many places 1 pit stop even works. British gp it does well but most others not great as you are to heavy and lose to much time
medal 5000
6 years 236 days ago
Thanks Jon
medal 5000
6 years 235 days ago
I am generally going for 1 pit stop. Hard tyres and 1 pit stop. That works. I am no 1 in league. I am no expert AT ALL - but just saying....probably also depends on length of race, etc.?
medal 5000
6 years 235 days ago
Yes the length of the race will influence this. The no-stop is the fastest strategy on 0% of the tracks in race distances above 25% . In 25% you can get away with a no stop but trying it at any distances above that would be suicide. If you are winning with this strat you have a much faster car than your opponents or you're racing against people who don't know what they're doing (i.e 1 stop on ss or they aren't in)...

If you do this strategy you'll find yourself in a vulnerable position should the weather change (you'll have to pit but won't have the advantage of less fuel) you also risk being stuck with too much fuel for the whole race or too little which will force you to pit anyway. On the first lap everyone will fly past you on lower fuel, it'll be track position you'll never get back for the rest of the first stint; the ss and soft runners will already have a pit stop to you by the 10th lap, so your advantage will be nulllified and by half distance the hard runners will have a pit-stop too you.

If you still want to try this then go ahead, but it won't end well...
medal 5000
6 years 230 days ago
Thanks guys
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