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Not able to find good strategy

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medal 5000
6 years 234 days ago
Hi Everybody,

I'm playing for a while right now and learned a lot. I found a great league and it makes a lot of fun to me.

The only issue I have: sometimes it's hard / impossible for me to find the right strategy. My car/drivers/employees are on the same level as the top players within my league. But on a lot of tracks I'm not able to "deliver good results".

In most cases I'm trying it with a 2/3 stop strategy (some tracks also a little bit more). We have 100% races. 

Can somebody give me a few hints or an approach what I can to? I started to look at the results from the former seasons, thats a good advice/hint, but it doesn't mean I can get good results in the current season.

Thx and KR
medal 5000
6 years 234 days ago
2 stopping on a 100% will not work at all unless it's wet for the entire race
medal 5000
6 years 234 days ago
It's about fuel loads the more fuel you have the less speed you have 3 stop strategies on most races will give you approx 35 kilo there is an advanced guide on here
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