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hacked version

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medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago
there is a hacked version on the network!! is it real? and we are protected from fraud?
medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago
Hi Vlad,

Where have you heard there is a hacked version of the game?
Typically hacked games (a manipulated APK on android example) do not impact the core user data but instead allow users to manipulate things such as coin usage etc.
medal 5000
6 years 231 days ago (edited 6 years 231 days ago)
Done a search. Enter your username/email. Sure why not just hand them the keys to your car while you are at it. 





medal 5088
6 years 231 days ago (edited 6 years 231 days ago)
Hi Vlad, I don't know what you're speaking of, but if you're asking about if there are ways to cheat or hack the game, that isn't possible. Exploits that resemble a cheat or hack were addressed over two years ago in the game's development phase.

Additionally, any website that claims they have a tool to cheat or hack the game should be considered extremely unsecure and could actually be malware masquerading as a cheat or hacking tool.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 231 days ago (edited 6 years 231 days ago)
Even in cases where some offline apps are "hackable" by tools such as hex editors, most websites claiming to offer such tools are simply a scam to get your credentials or private information.

The claims are even more dubious in relation to iGP Manager because such techniques can not work. Our data is server-based, not client-based. So any "hex editor" type app or "coin editor" can not do anything except edit a locally displayed value - it can't tamper with the value on the server, which every transaction is checked against. A "hacked version" of iGP Manager also doesn't even make sense, because we give everything away for free in the first place. There's nothing then to unlock or hack, unlike with paid apps which get "hacked" and released for free.

Avoid this like the plague. Keep your personal data safe and remember your cash, Tokens balance etc. can not be changed by a hex editor because it sits on our servers, not in your app.
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