Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 6 years 212 days ago (edited 6 years 207 days ago)
The races for 21:30 GMT (15 minutes ago) should be starting around the hour (in 10-15 minutes). Apologies for the delay.
If any league would like their race re-run please get the host to post here with that request and we will handle it.
John Doe medal 4852 6 years 212 days ago
Ho perso il podio perché è bloccato, cosa dovrei fare? non è la prima volta che succede, dobbiamo ripetere la gara ???
Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 6 years 212 days ago
Please post in English in this forum. You may repeat the race if the league host requests it.
Bruno Brown medal 5000 6 years 212 days ago
I lost the podium because it's stuck, what should I do? It's not the first time that happens, we have to repeat the race???
Thank you
I'm the league administrator! I wish I had league tokens Igpmanager World League
Admnistrator Bruno Camo
Milton FF medal 5000 6 years 212 days ago
Can you please restart our 21:30 race from the IV LSF GRAN PRIX tomorow at 16h oclock?
John Doe medal 4852 6 years 212 days ago
I lost the podium because it's stuck, what should I do? It's not the first time that happens, we have to repeat the race???
Thank you
I'm the league administrator! I wish I had league tokens Igpmanager World League
I wrote from the other account excuse
Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 6 years 211 days ago
Apologies, we did not get around to addressing these requests in time. We were busy working on improving the service for tonight and it seems to have improved going by the indicators we use to measure it. Hopefully you have seen an improvement as well. If the results of those races from the day with the issues are unsatisfactory we can wipe them so they won't taint the season overall, but at this stage I guess it is too late to re-run them.
What would you like to do?
Tom Gallent medal 5000 6 years 207 days ago
Jack! My leagues race scheduled for 6pm (4 mins ago) no one can log in! Any issues going on atm?
Man Blue medal 5000 6 years 207 days ago
The races for 21:30 GMT (15 minutes ago) should be starting around the hour (in 10-15 minutes). Apologies for the delay.
If any league would like their race re-run please get the host to post here with that request and we will handle it.
A lot of people pay to play ! It s incredible ! Fuck !
Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 6 years 207 days ago
There was a minor interruption that lasted about 2 minutes total slightly before 6pm. It should have resolved a long time ago. We're really talking 2-3 minutes here, we measured it and know exactly what caused it. I understand that you might be frustrated if you were in a rush to enter your race, but let's not blow that out of proportion.
Man Blue medal 5000 6 years 207 days ago
Tom Gallent medal 5000 6 years 207 days ago
Jack we want our race re-run only a couple of people got in to it thanks
Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 6 years 207 days ago
There is literally nothing on our dashboards, my computer or phone showing anything. It all loads and says everything is running.
Assuming you're talking about the 2 minutes earlier, I think going block-caps over it means maybe take a step back and see this in perspective. We pay lots of money for Slack, as do thousands of other companies, and their entire network was offline for hours this afternoon. It's not easy to run a network with millions of users and ensure everything is running perfectly all the time, this is no excuse, but let's be realistic. As far as we can tell, things have been improving this week (this has been reflected in the forums, reviews and comments). A 2 minute interruption for another unrelated reason isn't a big step backwards or a reason to suddenly panic. We're doing all we can, and we're a small company throwing everything we have at improving it.
Man Blue medal 5000 6 years 207 days ago
Solite scuse del cazzo.
I leave the game fuck !
Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 6 years 207 days ago
We've been taking this very seriously from the first time it happened, but these are very complicated problems to solve. We're making good progress and I believe most of what you saw tonight was unrelated to the wider connectivity issues.
There are thousands of components to a system like this running smoothly, and a lot that can go wrong, but any/all faults produce essentially the same outcome. This is why it can look like the "same problem" is recurring, because the UI messages are not particularly sophisticated, they aren't exactly debug logs for developers. They just say whether you can connect or not.