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Why im not promoted?

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medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago (edited 6 years 227 days ago)
Hello Friends 

I joined a League 2 seasons ago on rookie, get promoted to Pro and just win the Pro but nether me as champ or the second place are promoted. But 2 from rookie join us on pro...

Its a bug? Because im really frustrated to work tons on everiday races, sometimes having trouble with my wife because i play everynight to reach Elite and this happens.

The League:

Thank you for your time, Best Regards

medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago
You didn't had enough managers to activate promotion, to active promotion you need 8 or more players in a tier, rookie had enough, pro didn't, I am sorry.
medal 5000
6 years 227 days ago
So this is it?

Im punished by join a low competitive league? Because a lot of players leave the league in the middle of the season me and the second place are punished even spending parts, tokens, money and real life time?

Doesent seems fair. In fact it makes me think if i really want to keep playing this game.

Right now im frustrated because im been punished for be superior to the other competitors. Look ate the logs. I dont miss a race, im online everiday, im competitive... Its not my fault if people leave the league because i open a big gap in the lead.

I never knew about this 8 cars limitation. If i knew probally i was leaving the league for another! 
Its writen on any guide? Because im playing it for a while and never knew about this.

Please guys, give us a help on this. I know u guys can.

Best regards

medal 5000
6 years 226 days ago
Beginner's Guide

Advanced Guide

Both from the magnificent Jamie. and I'm feeling sorry for you JP I hope the guys can help reach a middle ground solution
medal 5000
6 years 226 days ago

Beginner's Guide

Advanced Guide

Both from the magnificent Jamie. and I'm feeling sorry for you JP I hope the guys can help reach a middle ground solution

Man, even these amazing guides dont say that with less than 8 mean no promotions.

But Ok, thank you for your time. Doesent matter anymore.

medal 5000
6 years 226 days ago
The rulesbook does, I am really sorry again, but you can't do anything about it, this is just to not have people who make a league for only their one promote directly to elite.

To stop this case I have a bunch of fake accounts if it happens in my league, luckely mine is really active now.
medal 5000
6 years 226 days ago

Beginner's Guide

Advanced Guide

Both from the magnificent Jamie. and I'm feeling sorry for you JP I hope the guys can help reach a middle ground solution

Man, even these amazing guides dont say that with less than 8 mean no promotions.

But Ok, thank you for your time. Doesent matter anymore.

Actually it's mentioned in the Rules & Regulations under 1.3 Leagues Section.

I get your disappointment Jean Pierre but it's part of the rules that govern the game and unfortunately you were not aware of it.

But you can start over by looking for a better league and hopefully you will get the promotion that you deserved soon. Remember that you don't have to race daily, just decide how much time you want to dedicate to the game and plan accordingly. a lot of league hosts are looking for active managers actually.

Cheers JD
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