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Academy nationality

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medal 5000
6 years 220 days ago
I read many threads about changing nationality of a young driver from academy. There should be a bug that set always the same nationality.
I changed the nationality of a new young driver and also the name (because of the sound :D ) 
Do I should have the 5 tokens back?
medal 5000
6 years 220 days ago
Hi Paolo
Why should you get your tokens back? The driver nationality you change it to is not your nationality. The academy drivers should all be your nationality, this is the bug that sometimes the academy is not your nationality. 
So you choose to use a different nationality and change the drivers name I am not sure how you can expect to get your 5 tokens back or am I missing something here.
medal 5000
6 years 220 days ago
From these threads:
I understood that it doesn't matter which nationality, but we can just change it.
medal 5000
6 years 220 days ago
The bug was that the YA would give a different nationality to what I was, for example.
I being Australian the YA should give me all Australian drivers, however instead it gives me all German drivers. So because of this Yunus would refund the 5 tokens to change the driver back to Australian. 
However looking at that thread you posted Yunus may be refunding tokens no matter what nationality you make the driver so I will leave this open for Yunus to see. 
medal 5088
6 years 208 days ago
Sent the 5 tokens back. :)
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