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Setup not saving

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medal 5000
6 years 214 days ago
trying tomsort my setup out for the next race and once I’ve made my changes and saved. If I go back to the page the old setup reverts. 
Just tired it on mobile app, desktop and mobile webpage. 
Anything I can do to sort this? 
(Or can someone set my wing levels to 16 please hahaha) :)
medal 5000
6 years 214 days ago
Is your internet slow?
medal 5000
6 years 214 days ago
No, I've tried it from mobile, home machine and work (crafty smile)
I'm wondering if its related to the fact I changed out a driver .... since I found a better one during the setup process.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 214 days ago
Hi, You have bought "Ideal setup" which cannot be overridden once applied. It is the best possible setup for the car, and it changes with the weather conditions. This is the reason your changes are not saving (it's supposed to be that way).
medal 5000
6 years 214 days ago
Ah damn - I bought it to try to undo the issue I was having haha!

Taking 2 wing off the ideal setup is actually faster! :)
[If you can see my practice screen, you'll see the times!)

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 214 days ago
Drivers make some errors on practice laps, so it could be that they made more mistakes on the lap that was slower. The ideal setup is definitely the best aligned for performance overall.
medal 5000
6 years 213 days ago (edited 6 years 213 days ago)
Oh cool. 
Investigation time for me! I always thought it was a "close to optimal setup"
(so I may have been trimming off wing for no reason then all season, but hes always been faster haha! :])

Thanks for the help, though, fast responses even on a sunday.

Little investigation - I did the below laps

With 12/14 being the optimal setup, or at least where my driver complained about nothing - 12/13 was faster but got a little complaint about low wing levels.
medal 5000
6 years 213 days ago
This has happened to several of us. If you exit and don't press save then it reverts. See my post below about being hacked. Same problem. Last season I noticed multiple times of strtegy not saving, frankly it should save it how you leave it, not revert if you forget to press the save button.
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