Updates of weather not coming every second and the first step is big sometimes very big depending on track and conditions the tracks dry up fast. Today i did practice with normal rain i set Wet tires at the start of the race was 2.00mm cloudy. at 10th (almost dry 0.4mm ) lap rain started again till the 22nd lap (up to 2.9mm) at the last lap (30th) was almost dry 0.3 mm. I won the race not because i am good but because i didn't panic.
Losing 1/3 of the on track rain, in literally one second, is not supposed to happen, if anything simply because igp is supposed to be a simulation, not an arcade game.
I agree different tracks and conditions drain differently, but they still drain, water doesn't just disappear in the time a driver goes around a corner.
From the closing of your post, I sense you might think I'm bitter for the race's outcome. If so, rest assured that's not it, I joined the league at race 6 without expectations for the remainder of the season.