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Fuel Economy be more important

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medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
I have seen little advantage in researching the fuel economy stat, if this can be looked at. Surely this will give another research options than the standard : acceleration, brake, down-force and handling.
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
100% Correct Fuel and Tyre Economy are pointless after 50 points.

Too big of a change between low numbers. 
Hungarian iGP for example. 
1 point fuel is 2.9
2 point fuel is 2.6 
50 point fuel is 1.8 
100 point fuel is 1.8 
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago

From bottom to top the first 2 at 51 FE the next 2 59 FE the last 69 FE (Hungarian IGP)
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 219 days ago
My cars are quite a bit slower in Hungary and thus slightly lower fuel consumption values but else my numbers go along with Sam's. Same with all other tracks, I had no problems with no or nearly no effect of fuel efficiency so far.

Tyre Efficiency is a completely different thing though. At least from 10 points up that one really does almost nothing. A tiny bit of less wear and nothing noticeable in terms of tyre temperature in the race.
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
So what I'm gathering from this is one fuel.economy is 50 it's basically not worth doing any more and once tyre economy is anything over 10 it's useless?
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago

Scroll a bit down;)
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
Thanks so glad others agree, on the point of tire economy, its not that the % wear get lower they last longer so if you have 50 on TE then your tires last 150% slightly more.
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 219 days ago
So what I'm gathering from this is one fuel.economy is 50 it's basically not worth doing any more and once tyre economy is anything over 10 it's useless?

TE about yes, although it wouldn't hurt if you go above 20 but that should be the case even if it's the CDs weakness anyway. Still I'd prefer a CD with Cooling or Reliability as weakness instead if I can get one.

Fuel no, it's usefull beyond that. Although it's of note that more is not always better. For example my car needs 1.97 litres per lap and is planned to do 12 lap stints. So I'd set it up with 24 litres which leaves me with 0.36 litres at the end. Not perfect but pretty good. But now I decide to 'improve' FE a bit and the consumption wents to 1.93 litres per lap. I still have to fill up 24 litres for 12 laps, though, but have now 0.84 litres remaining. That's 0.48 litres more fuel that's nothing more than extra ballast. So by doing that I made my car worse, especially bad if it's the case for the last lap of the race when I want every advantage.
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
One the practise laps what push level is used to gather the fuel used on a lap 
medal 5000
6 years 217 days ago (edited 6 years 217 days ago)

From bottom to top the first 2 at 51 FE the next 2 59 FE the last 69 FE (Hungarian IGP)

That is push level 3 in practice. Push levels 1 & 2 will give 1.8 and push level 5 will give a 2.0

Fuel changes with push levels but the wear rate doesn't lower anymore using 1 & 2 but is still gets higher using 4 & 5. 
Kind of miss that, practice say 10% but in race using PL1 it would of been 8% & PL2 9% now we stuck 10% even on lower push
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