Jeffrey de Wit medal 5000 6 years 195 days ago
Hi everyone from this forum and hopefully some GM’s.
I’ve been playing this game for just two days now and starting to gather good players. So after getting a good team, I’ve started playing. So when I joined league: Formula Speed by Daniel Cornock, I’ve been playing for just two matches. In which I one the first with 1 & 8 position and then the second I won 1 & 2. And after that I’ve been kicked from the league, by Daniel Cornock which was first in the league. I don’t know what I’ve did wrong and I find it really lame if that’s this game is about.. I have 0 experience, only read a beginners guide and that’s it.
I hope this gets researched and it isn’t usual to do this.
Jeffrey de Wit medal 5000 6 years 195 days ago
Thanks allot! I’ve got a reply with “all the senior members made a decision and your team was not part of it”. For me that’s really a lame excuse.
Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 194 days ago
@ Jefferey, this happened to me yesterday. You're lucky to have had any reply at all, I didn't. There are a number of hosts who don't show up for a race, they do a setup, strategy and then just leave it like that. In our league there are 2 dedicated players, another 4 who occasionally show up, the rest either don't bother to show up or don't even setup their cars before a race. If you don't show up for a race then expect to be beaten by someone who does, as much as the AI is excellent it doesn't match good, fast, in game decision making. I'm not sure why anyone would kick such an inexperienced player, it doesn't help anyone, certainly not the developers.
Kim Robins medal 5000 6 years 194 days ago
i am host of champions league as long as a player stays active we accept all and if you going to be absent for a period of time as long as you let me know you will not be booted out
Carter McCarthy medal 5000 6 years 194 days ago
@Jefferey don't be disheartened by some hosts who think just because someone is a threat to their 'perfect' and record don't let it put you off this game. Its a fantastic bit of fun and you can find some very decent people within some leagues. Take the league I'm in for example. I started my own league a while back now but didn't get much interest, got a few active players yes, but overall it was hit and miss, so then the league host for the league I'm currently in had the same issues we got to talking and merged our leagues. Together we have spent almost a dozen seasons perfecting this league. We have our motto' IGP FMR: The Family Home of Competitive Racing' and we do just that, each and every member strives to help each other with whichever and what ever knowledge they require during the day. But what makes me stay at this league is not the racing, but not the numerous active members we have now, and not the popularity we've gained where if we have a few drop outs or we are forced to boot a few people due to excessive inactivity without notification, no what keeps me coming back day after day is the people I've gotten to know and count as friends here.
You can do the same, sure you'll hit a bump or two but then you'll find a league that just fits right. You'll make great friends and have good fun I promise. The key to this game is not to expect to be on top but to battle the drivers and players around you with grace and confidence, confidence that you'll put your cars into the best positions you could. Also never be afraid to ask questions a good veteran or even a pro player will help you out in a good league.
So when all said and done, don't lose faith, if they booted you after you're just too good for them :) so keep that accelerator to the floor and keep going forward :)