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Technical Director level

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medal 5000
6 years 194 days ago
My current TD, Ana Davidson is a level 8 age 43 with attributes 11, 20, and 11.  Callum Smith, a TD that I found in the transfers is a level 9 age 65 with attributes 9, 20, and 9.  Davidson's talent and morale are both 2 higher than Smith's.  As far as stats go, she has double or more the success that Smith has.  Yet, Smith is a level 9, while Davidson is a level 8.  Could anyone explain the reasoning for this?
medal 5000
6 years 194 days ago
Moved to help and support
medal 5000
6 years 194 days ago
For some reason which j don't know in staff it's the stars that count not the numerical stats 
medal 5000
6 years 194 days ago
Ok.  Could you explain why Smith is a 9 and Davidson is an 8?
medal 5909
6 years 194 days ago
Differrent level staff has differrent level talent, experience and moral but don't focus on that too much as staff level and stars matter more so staff with higher level and higher stars is better! So 5 star staff same as your manager level is best.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 193 days ago
The attributes for staff have no impact at all and so they get just some random values according to their level as they are generated. Some probably got their Morale raised later by manager building Offices despite it's useless because it looks better in the HQ view or to have it completed as well. Then some staff did (still do?) get level ups once they reach certain age levels, can't remember at which age though and the thread about it is now long and deeply buried.
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