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Qualifying lap times

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medal 5000
6 years 190 days ago
Today I've noticed that the fastest driver in our qualifying at Monza (from team Maverik) was a level 14 driver. In our league there are some level 16 drivers, I have a level 15 and a level 16 driver (with similar ability distribution to the pole position driver). I have the main 4 area of the car developed to 100 (acceleration is 87 + 13 points from the supplier though). After the race ended in the email for research points Maverik was reported as the team with the most developed car. We both had a similar amount of fuel (even if I don't think this matter at all) since we both stopped at the same lap with one car.
Given all this infos I still don't understand how a 2 levels lower driver was able to outqualify my drivers and also other teams' drivers (since I am not the only one with a level 16 driver). Anyone has any idea why this happened?
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 189 days ago
Maybe it was the car setup or some small changes in the strategy.
medal 5000
6 years 188 days ago
Are you saying that the setup suggested by the drivers is not always the optimal one? Also, what changes to the strategy could have affected his qualifying results? I am asking these question because today the same thing happened: his level 14 driver outqualified level 16 and 17 drivers, with same race strategy; I am sure there's a reason but I can't figure it out. What does affect qualifyng performace other than driver's level and health, car's repair state and setup, car's acceleration, downforce, braking, handling?
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