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Wet Race and advanced set up

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medal 5000
6 years 189 days ago
Hi guys just looking for some help,

Its raining and I set up USE Full Wet tyres if its raining and it reaches 4mm... its 2.5mm and I start the race on full wets instead of intermediates.

How do you start on intermediates? Can't see the option is its more than xmm but less than xmm use this tyre?
Was like 5/6 secs off pace per lap so had no chance even pitted on lap two to swap to the tyres that I wanted to start on.

But to avoid me doing the same mistake again I need to know what I did wrong? And how to start on intermediates, is it simply if its raining and over 1mm use intermediates? If its like 5mm then though I assume id be in trouble

Thanks for you time
medal 5909
6 years 189 days ago
If it's below 3mm use inters over 3mm use full wets. For detailed instructions under help and support section of forum read the beginners and advanced guides.
medal 5000
6 years 189 days ago
Hi thanks for the reply I understand when to use each tyre, I wanted to use inters today but the game set me to full wets instead, even though that was set only
If over 4mm of rain? 
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 189 days ago
You'll have to set up the Intermediates in the main strategy. In theory you'd setup the wets in advanced as you did in case the rain gets stronger than anticipated but that one never worked for me, or anyone else I know about, so I also put Intermediates into there and 'disable' it for the race itself by setting it to 5mm because else I can be sure the game will try to pit my cars repeatedly in any random situation. In case it stops raining the alternative dry starting tyre goes into the second advanced setup option, and I also 'disable' that one for the race by setting it to 50 laps.

If you think the race will be dry and thus want to use the main strategy for that then your only option is to enter the Intermediates into advanced setup.
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