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Headquarters development

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medal 5000
6 years 206 days ago
Hi guys,
Read the excellent guide a few times now, but didn't see much about what to spend the cash on in the way of building or upgrading. Any pointers?
medal 5001
6 years 206 days ago
Hi Dave, design first, manufacturing second and then technology. ;)
medal 5000
6 years 206 days ago
I would say design, technology and manufactering
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 204 days ago
Well, the importane of manufacturing heavily depends if you're playing on App or occasionally buy token or not. Personally I rate Technology higher than Design. More design points help but spying is a thing to equalize things to some extent there, but to overcome a disadvantage in DRS or KERS is a constant struggle and an advantage ensures you can act from a position of strength during the race. 

Then from level 12 or so on Youth Academy becomes a thing too because own YA drivers are just so much cheaper to maintain and not too far in the future getting talent 20s is the way to go. Switching to a bunch of YA drivers before that has the advantage of not having to spend all those token on money, because finally scouting a talent 20 can use up quite a few token, especially the sooner you attempt it, and once one is found and promoted into the team it's easily possible to finance training up that driver as a reserve driver.
medal 5001
6 years 204 days ago
You make perfect sense Frank. Cheers...
medal 5000
6 years 199 days ago
 1.Manifacturing -  repair cars, broken cars are slow no matter what.
 2.Design - make cars faster.
 3.Technoligy - make cars faster (but not as important as design).

 4.Academy - to produce drivers(again make the car faster but not as much as design points and tech buildings, late game).

 Situationaly usefull:
 5.Simulator - train drivers faster. If drivers are above your level this doesnt matter, only doctor is important.

 6.Office - this building does nothing noticeble.
medal 5000
6 years 173 days ago
Is anybody else having problems with their headquarters upgrading my time is not right like yesterday around 5pm I had 2days 1 hr left now to day I have 1day 23 hrs left
medal 5000
6 years 172 days ago
Right now there is a display bug where it shows 23h when it should show 0h if the number of days remaining is at least 1.

For example, when there's actually 1d 0h 29m remaining, it shows 1d 23h 29m instead. And when there's actually 3d 0h 44m remaining, it shows 3d 23h 44m. It's only a display bug, not an actual bug. If you wait 1 hour it should display the right amount.
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