How does kicking inactive rookies affect your promotion relegation? For 1 there is no relegation, for second the active teams are going to fight for the promotions , the newbies iff become active will be fighting for it the next season. Going from 2 to 5 and back to the full season is why ur rookie is inactive, kicking every 2 days will make that history becuase u always have teams playing. Because u rotate the inactives out.
The big impact is only because u dont rotate them out. I dont hear any rookie complaining in our league nor have they done that in my old self run league. Which had an every day flow of newbies. Ur never gonna have more then 5 active rookies at any given time, its up to the league admin to keep the flow coming..
Technically you should be gaining more active players from pro and not be stuck at five active rookies but this isn't the case anymore. Just because this is true doesn't make it right and imo something has to be changed about how rookie tier works because the game has way too many players that literally leave the game after 2 months of playing.
Kicking aggressively helps in one way and hurts in another: maybe that rookie was actually quite active but just couldn't attend their first race, oops too late, you're gone! But I'll accept that it keeps the most active people there and surrounded by the same amount of inactives every season while also completely stunting the growth of the league.
@Dan, tbh I can't quite truly understand your idea. Introduce new guys to much faster opponents in their first race? Sure it'll get them experience and rp but it could also discourage them from wanting to continuing to race. I'm sure as a league owner you've seen many occasions where the best from rookie gets promoted and then destroyed in the tier above. To give this rookie the ability to go straight to elite would be suicide and to give elites the opportunity to move down into such a tier would be terrible for the new guys too.
I think the best and most reliable thing iGP can do to fix the problem league hosts have with rookies is to create compulsory
casual races for noobs and fix the damned league search page which is officially the stupidest league related feature in the game