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No Change In Training

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 4701
5 years 264 days ago
I've been training my drivers and three times now it's ticket over the 100 mark but has said 'no Change' and the level has not gone up.

Why is this happening? 
medal 6312
5 years 264 days ago
Hi Steve, if you're seeing the 'no change' result, your drivers are being randomly trained in an area which they've maxed their attributes in. You need to change which area you are training your driver in:

If you're in the app, tap this button to see these options:

medal 4701
5 years 264 days ago (edited 5 years 264 days ago)
Nope, I've got it sent to driving ability only, and nothing is above 11, so nowhere near max 
medal 6312
5 years 263 days ago

Nope, I've got it sent to driving ability only, and nothing is above 11, so nowhere near max 

I have tried to reproduce the problem on your account and did not encounter the 'no change' response. Which driver or drivers are you seeing this happen on?
medal 4701
5 years 262 days ago
I can't remember now. Might have even sold the driver 
medal 6312
5 years 261 days ago
Alright, if it still happens, feel free to open a new thread on the issue.
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