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Duration and speed race

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medal 5000
6 years 178 days ago
Good afternoon everyone.

I am looking for a league to get in, but first I would like to know how I can find out the duration of the race in each league. I can only see the speed of the race (1.0, 1.5, 2.0), which I do not understand very well either. Let's see if anyone can do me the favor of explaining how to see the duration of the race in a league that is not mine and how long each one would last, and the speed of the race.

Thank you all.
medal 5000
6 years 178 days ago
If you go into league and event forum most post will have a league table like below. this will give you the speed and race length plus the time of the race is run and how many are in each level. 

Around the World

MTWTFSS at 01:00
50% race distance igp-car 1 car per team 2.0x race speed
See league

If you go from your league page to check out another league then the best way to tell how long a race is, is by going to race already run and seeing how many laps they ran. For example Aust would be 29 laps for 50% distance about 44 laps for 75% distance and 58 laps for 100% distance. 
As for the speeds X1 is normal race speed it would take about an hour or just below to run a 100% race. X1.5 race will take about 30 to 4o minutes and a X2 race takes most of the time about 20 minutes. 
Hope this helps.
medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago

If you go into league and event forum most post will have a league table like below. this will give you the speed and race length plus the time of the race is run and how many are in each level. 

Around the World

MTWTFSS at 01:00
50% race distance igp-car 1 car per team 2.0x race speed
See league

If you go from your league page to check out another league then the best way to tell how long a race is, is by going to race already run and seeing how many laps they ran. For example Aust would be 29 laps for 50% distance about 44 laps for 75% distance and 58 laps for 100% distance. 
As for the speeds X1 is normal race speed it would take about an hour or just below to run a 100% race. X1.5 race will take about 30 to 4o minutes and a X2 race takes most of the time about 20 minutes. 
Hope this helps.

Full length races on 2x takes around 50 minutes, so I think 100 for 1x and 75 minutes for 1,5x

medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
Good afternoon everyone.

I am looking for a league to get in, but first I would like to know how I can find out the duration of the race in each league. I can only see the speed of the race (1.0, 1.5, 2.0), which I do not understand very well either. Let's see if anyone can do me the favor of explaining how to see the duration of the race in a league that is not mine and how long each one would last, and the speed of 2.0. The duration of race will be determined by the percentage.

The speed of the race times are determined by the 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0. The amount of laps that take place are determined by the percentage assigned by the league 
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