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Possible Race Delays (14 Aug 2018 @ 09:00 GMT)

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medal 5145 CEO & CTO
5 years 259 days ago
Races due to start now / in the next 5 minutes may start up to 10 minutes late.

We are rolling out some service updates and the work has overrun slightly into the start time of these races.
medal 5961 Super Mod
5 years 259 days ago
Thank you for letting me know, I was about to write a forum post asking why I couldn't access the race but now I know why. 
When do you expect races to begin?
medal 5145 CEO & CTO
5 years 259 days ago
We are working through some issues at the moment, apologies for these ongoing delays.

They should be starting any time now. In the next 2 minutes.

UPDATE: The races should all be running now. Right on schedule, exactly 10 minutes late!
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