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Start league well. How?

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medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
Hi again, everybody.

I want to pick up a thread that was closed not long ago, I'm sorry but I have not left anything at all clear why I start the season with such a bad car and I am within my rights to look for new answers.

Many say that I have a bad Head of design, but let's see ... I agree that it does not have the same level as mine manager but this problem takes me months and months with bosses that have the same level and that IF They had strengths that you call top 4.

However, the player with the best long car in my league, Kingboris Winner with boom shakalaka has a worse design boss than mine, with less level and talent .... so why do ALL practices win, classifications in the last careers?

I hope you understand my frustration and the need I have to find answers.
a greeting
medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
A few things to consider:
Is your competitors current CD his ONLY one or does he have more than one and cycles them throughout the season?
The one he is currently using is lower level (and stars) than your CD but has much better strength and weakness. You're always going to struggle with a CD strong in Reliability and weak in Braking whereas your competitor is strong in Acceleration and weak in Reliability.
How do you know his cars are stronger than yours?
Is it stronger in terms of total design points or is the design just better balanced than yours?
medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
It would also have been good if you had an image or an exact number for how much dp you started with. Also which suppliers do you have? Maybe you aren't using the best ones and this is probably why you think you have more dp than your competitor in a certain area but in reality don't
medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
It would also have been good if you had an image or an exact number for how much dp you started with. Also which suppliers do you have? Maybe you aren't using the best ones and this is probably why you think you have more dp than your competitor in a certain area but in reality don't

Well, less in reliability I started in all the values below the one that says the game the best team.

I calculate 6-7 points below and in braking since it is my weakness as 20 points below.
Do not tell yourself the exact start values.

In sponsorship use:
Cosurworthit, chavon and donelots

Responding to kevin bisell

He is 100% who uses only that design manager, is more, has several seasons with him, does not change it.
Because I know he has the best car?

Well, because I never classify at least in front of people who use the same tires as me, in no practice do I get to go first ...
It makes the strategies equal and it takes me many seconds ...

Thanks for help both!
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