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PLEASE HELP, Affects of overtrained driver

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medal 5000
6 years 170 days ago (edited 6 years 170 days ago)
Can someone please clarify something for me? I was under the impression that training drivers past your manager level only resulted in slowing the training progestin but it seems everytime I train a driver into red star their performance suffers significantly... currently I'm a level 16 manager, 700 points away from level 17. One of my drivers is a level 17 assumingly close to level 18 and the other is level 18... the more I train them the less competitive they get to the point now I can barely get them into the top 15 after consistently competing at the highest level within my league. And as a result my team is bleeding money and that won't change for several seasons until I reach level 18.
medal 5000
6 years 169 days ago
I have never experienced that as a problem.  Basically everyone in my competitive league has drivers over their manager level, so I have a hard time believing that's a thing.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 168 days ago
Like Tom I have not experienced something like this. I'm currently level 15 and my drivers are level 16 and 17 and the latter was barely out of YA when going into active duty and thus went through all stages of training and at no point in her career I noticed a performance drop like that.
medal 5569
6 years 168 days ago
I believe overtrained drivers get ballast weight added so that'll be why it seems like their performance is dropping off. I'm sure I read it in the guidelines/rules.
medal 5000
6 years 168 days ago

I believe overtrained drivers get ballast weight added so that'll be why it seems like their performance is dropping off. I'm sure I read it in the guidelines/rules.

This cant be real. Why would be worth training them.

medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 167 days ago

I believe overtrained drivers get ballast weight added so that'll be why it seems like their performance is dropping off. I'm sure I read it in the guidelines/rules.

Ballast doesn't depend on driver's level, but on manager's level. It gets added when a manager above level 8 participates in a beginner tier and above level 14 in a pro tier. 

1kg per level above the max + 1kg is added.
Ex: a level 18 manager in a beginner tier would have 11kg ballast added (10×1 + 1), in a pro tier he would get 5kg (4×1 + 1).

medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago
I think your opponenst just have find ways to overtake, by being more online, better strategies, better technology or just some luck in qualy for example. I can hardly believe this is only because of the drivers you got yourself.
medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago
Thanks for the response everyone... yes I am in elite so no ballast. I'm not sure what's going on tbh I'm active several times every day, I run practice session periodically throughout the day with the final being minute prior to qualifying, my drivers are talent 20 and the other managers are using the same drivers they always have... car development is the same every season... going insane trying to figure it out because I'm not meeting my race goals and I'm losing money fast
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