raido galjaev medal 5000 12 years 278 days ago
I have a question for todays race ? What the hell happened ? In first lap rain started so i went on pit. And what happened = i came out with hard tires :o Like wtf ? I changed it to WET (full) but it still changed to hard. THen three laps later i went on pit again to change it to wets but it still gave me hards ? What the hell ? And finally third pit gave me wet tires ?. I demand new race or +100points :D It ruined all my title hopes for this season :/

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 277 days ago
How did it ruin your title hopes? It was only the third race of the season :S
None the less, this is an old bug. I've had it happen many times and so have my friends. Your driver pits in the wet when you're a 1D user, you select full wets and it selects hards. Then you pit again for full wets and it chooses hards again.
Since I've been a 2D user though this has never been a problem.
Just always set up your "advanced" strategy to pit for full wets. It's a safer option.

raido galjaev medal 5000 12 years 277 days ago
in my advanced strategy there were wet tires, but he still managed to get me hard ones.
so if im 1D watcher i always have to suffer like that ? And not to get bugged again i have to buy 2D ? give me a break.......

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 277 days ago
No I'm not saying that is what you should have to expect, I'm just saying that everyone who has had the problem has coincidentally been a 1D user as far as I know. I was just pointing that out.
It shouldn't happen - I thought they'd fixed it already.