Bill Benedict III medal 5000 12 years 272 days ago
Ok, this has bitten me twice now and it just irritates me.
I've tried to hire a new designer, but with the 15 minute waiting period on contract negotiations or whatever, I move on to other things. Twice now I've left the computer, gone to bed, and woken up to find a nice fresh email in my inbox telling me how stupid I was for having left negotiations hanging for 12 hours. What is the point of sending me an email notification telling me after the fact, when there is *nothing* I can do any longer? I could stand not to see useless spam in my inbox that just makes me feel dumb.
Why not send the email notification when the 15 minute waiting period is up and I have an actual answer? That would be useful. I could use a timely notification to remind me to go check on things. What I can't use is an alert that tells me its already too late.
(And I'm talking real email, not the game mail system. My phone tells me when I have real email, it pops up on my computer, bells and whistles go off, etc...)
Thanks :)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
yes - I sort of agree as I have done this too.
I will set the negotiations going but then get caught up in real life and forget all about the game. And as in real life I don't think negotiations should end so abruptly.
How would it be if you send an email warning and if nothing has happened by the time of the following race then the negotiations would fail??
I assume most people log in to check their races so there would be a reminder to do something before the next race!? This might be next day or next week depending on how frequent the races were.
If you don't log in to check races, or have negotiated a new driver and then go on holiday - well tough!! - lol
I realise this might be a lot of work and not important just now but maybe will get a discussion going to see what others think.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 251 days ago
Sorry for the late response. But you can
enable 'Contracts' mails. These will notify you of a contract when it lands in your inbox.

Bill Benedict III medal 5000 12 years 250 days ago
Excellent! I hadn't noticed that setting, thank you!