Daniel Prebble medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
I would like to suggest and improvement with regards to driver health.
Currently you can only gain a maximum of 3% per race on a drivers health. But each race your driver will use more energy than this meaning a constant downward spiral with regards to health.
I would suggest the option to use a personal trainer to help boost your drivers health. This could be done in the training model or a seperate option somewhere else. You could limit the use of the personal trainer to once every 3 races or so so that it cannot be used to boost your driver to full health.
My 2p's worth

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
Or maybe make the Gym facility actually help maintain driver health...

Matt Dellit medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
How do you lose more than 3% on driver health per race? I only ever lose 1 or 2% health. Perhaps you need to look at investing in drivers with better stamina. That's the only thing I can think of that's killing your driver health at such a rapid rate.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
Yeah, although this is a decent idea, I do have to agree with Matt, I only lose 2% max, and that's only on some races.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 271 days ago
Heal above 90% with 15 stamina isn't really a worry. Your driver will perform and stop fatigueing about 80%.