Jack Kershaw medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
Hi , i was wondering if say at a track like monza you would think of putting low wing levels in but if your driver says he wants it over 50 would you go with his changes for him to go faster or would it make him faster or same pace if you changed it to lower than he wants?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 271 days ago
I think it makes them slower.
I had this theory a while ago so I tried it with some level 4 drivers in a lower team I had at the time.
They both liked 60's wings and 20's gears, so I set them up on 50 gear and 40 wing for a race on purpose and they were just horribly slow. It was on Bahrain and they finished about 40 seconds behind the guy who won, when they would usually (at the time) only finish about 10 seconds behind him over a race. Coincidence or not - not 100% sure.

Jack Kershaw medal 5000 12 years 270 days ago
ok cheers ill just follow what my driver says to be safe.