Alexandre Ferreira medal 5000 6 years 179 days ago (edited 6 years 179 days ago)
the update I would like in the game would be regarding the cars, they do not break except when a manager is inactive and does not upgrade their cars. If you gave a 1% chance of breaking for all cars in a race and 2% for cars under 50% in the parts index, the races would be more interesting, you thought, a leader on the last lap abandoning for a break ?
Or enter 3 types of possibility of breaking a car: Parts, engine and tire. A 1% chance of breaking for each item, tire and parts, the pilot would walk slowly to the Pit to repair the breakdowns in the car and change the flat tire and broken engine end of race.

Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 6 years 179 days ago
For me it would be the other way round. It'd be just a dice roll able to kill a possibly interesting race or championship, both if it'd be a direct competitor or myself being hit by this it'd lower the chance for the race to end with a real showdown and thus just ruin a race.
As always, if it could be done as a league selection choice I'm fine with it. I just won't have it unless perhaps if it's part of a proper risk vs reward managing choice system.

A-Yeon Kwon medal 5000 6 years 177 days ago
I would do it more realted to the wear of the parts or the drivers' skill. For example, if the car parts are worn, the car should be easier to break. If the engine is worn, it should be breakable.
Also, the more distant the drivers' capabilities from 20, the easier it should be to have an accident. Just suggestions.
This could also bring in accidents when overtaking for example, as unexperienced drivers are more prone to have accidents.
And along this, SC could be nice too