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medal 5000
6 years 169 days ago
As we've all known, passing in this game only works in DRS and when using KERS. Also on the opening lap. My suggestion is, is that if a driver has genuine pace over the next, they should be able to pass anywhere on the circuit. So what I'm saying, is make it a little easier to pass in the race on any part of the circuit
medal 5000
6 years 168 days ago
Ive seen passes on all parts of the track, once all are fully developed it can be tougher, every car has same top speed so its down to fuel amount for pace.

Unless they offer unlimited dev points its hard to see how cars can have different speeds.

They could lower points gained so it takes longer to fully dev cars, or limit us to a set number of points.

Say the limit was 200, you can allocate them anywhere but cannot use more than 200 total.
You will really need to work on where u spend them, this is the better option as your choice then affects your car, right now its just wait till eace 6 and your fully ready...
medal 5000
6 years 168 days ago (edited 6 years 168 days ago)
  This is exactly why you have DRS - to overtake the other car. 

  I think for wet race when DRS is off you are right its too hard to overtake. My opinion when water level is above 1 mm and DRS is off the defense of the drivers should be removed or greatly reduced. Then also make more sense drivers can overtake in various places of the track in wet conditions.

0-1mm 20 / 1   20 def
2 mm  20 / 2    10 def
3mm 20 / 3      6-7 def
4mm 20 / 4      5 def
5mm 20 /5       4 def
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