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pit stop and fuel

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medal 5000
6 years 166 days ago
It would be useful to enter the possibility of canceling the pit stop even if you are not in the race, the system calls you in the pits in fact even if you have an exact fuel for another lap but at the limit ... hopefully in the future you can do, bye

medal 5000
6 years 165 days ago
I agree. If your fuel levels are set perfectly, u still get called in 1 lap short of 0, which forces one to be called into the pit again on the last lap of the race.
If u cant watch the live race (i cant always watch the live race) u have to take another unit of fuel which slows u down abit.
And speaking of fuel. 
- i think thats why igp auto adds 1 unit fuel to whatever u have set it at. So in my setup i take out that 1 unit of fuel, levelling it back to perfect fuel for the race, which also means i hv to watch. I try to watch every race but sometimes its impossible.

Though choices.
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