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Weather Info in Practice Laps

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medal 5711
6 years 167 days ago (edited 6 years 167 days ago)
A quick suggestion for the Dev team!

Would it be possible to add an extra column to the info that comes back from the practice laps that details the weather/temp conditions that the ractice lap was done under?

Maybe an extra column to the right hand side of the practice lap time?

Would make it easier to read performance of Tyre's if practice laps are done at different times off the day?

Any thoughts out there?
medal 5839
6 years 167 days ago
I agree, did practice for Japan yesterday in rain with full wets fitted and then this morning in the dry (i think, but only says not raining) on supers and both drivers were slower today, so a tad confused - in all instances they were on ideal setup for conditions.
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