Christian Rothe medal 5000 12 years 265 days ago
Today I found out that it takes longer time when I develop a part with e.g. 027 deigner than when I develop with 27 designers :-). Not a big thing, but maybe a "small bug" which can happen if you ad the ammount of designers you want after clicking into the box instead of deleting the 0 before typing ;-)
Or would you realize the fact that if you have a "zero" within the team it will take longer time to develop something :-) Hehe

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 265 days ago
I just put an 0 in front of the 15 designers I had working on the part and nothing chnaged.
I tend to use the buttons anyway, and not type there.

Christian Rothe medal 5000 12 years 264 days ago
It happens if I type a zero before the ammount of designers and after jumping out with the cursor. Not immediately after typing the zero ...

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 264 days ago
I jumped out with the cursor and still couldn't replicate the issue, wierd :/