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Change Race Viewer quality?

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medal 5002
6 years 136 days ago
Guys, how to change the Race Viewer quality?
I can't find the option in the Settings anymore. My Race Viewer is somehow stuck on the highest quality but on phone it freezes all the time. I used to always have it set to "high quality", but it's now set to "very high quality" and I don't know how to change it. They removed the option in the Settings menu.
medal 5000
6 years 136 days ago
I actually didn't notice it had been removed umtil I read this post.....I'm not sure but maybe it was removed when the servers changed and the quality is now default for everyone.....I have issues on my phone when racing but not on pc....I just put it down to connection quality from my router...
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 135 days ago
We are aware of this problem and are working to resolve it. 
medal 5002
6 years 133 days ago

We are aware of this problem and are working to resolve it. 

Thank you I hope it will be quick cause there's no way to change it right now from mobile and if I try from PC during the race and save the settings, exit the app and enter back, the settings didn't save. So I have it stuck on the maximum quality and it's very bad for managing the race on mobile app, I always play on mobile and it's driving me crazy.
medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago
You can change the stream quality settings in live race, 
I changed it there and didn't seem to change anything for that race but the next day it was on the lower setting and everything was better.
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