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Second driver disabled

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medal 5000
6 years 135 days ago
Hello, today something strange happened to me.

I was going to do the setup on the second car when I realized that as I was throwing it on the track for the test it gave me an error "Ops, there was a problem"

After several reboots of the game always the same thing! The race started and I found myself competing with just one rider.

Now when I go on drivers and staff, I see the second driver but instead on Auto the second is deselected so I can not repair it or replace the engine!

Why? What happened?
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 135 days ago
Should be fixed now.
medal 5000
6 years 135 days ago
and what was the problem?

What had happened?
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 135 days ago
It usually happens when you don't repair the car properly or it's a new driver.

medal 5000
6 years 134 days ago
Damn, I lost some points with that pilot !!
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